Nominating Committee
2014 Fall Cycle Report
This cycle we had forty-two applicants file for twenty CA Ad-
visory Committee openings. Two candidates withdrew their
applications, and two did not meet the minimum requirements
to serve. These numbers were down significantly from the
spring cycle. We hope this decrease was attributable to the
heavy interest in the Expansion Task Force, whose recruit-
ment process coincided with the normal fall cycle.
The Nominating Committee interviewed thirty-eight Sun City
residents. Of the nine incumbents who reapplied for second
terms, all were approved by the Board of Directors to continue
serving. Of the thirty-eight interviewees, twenty-nine were
men and nine were women. The Board of Directors appointed
fourteen men and six women to our committees.
Of the thirty-eight interviewees, twenty-three have been resi-
dents for five or fewer years, nine had been residents for six
to ten years, and the remaining six had resided in Sun City
for over ten years.
This Committee is dedicated to recommending the very best
candidates to the Board in the most impartial and fair man-
ner. It has been our goal to make the experience as pleasant
as possible for candidates. Meetings between the Nominating
Committee and candidates are intended to be casual and in-
formal - it should not be regarded as a “job interview.” We are
all volunteers, and all Committee members have undergone
the same process, so we know how applicants feel.
The Nominating Committee encourages you to become involved
in your community by giving a few hours of your time to serve
on an advisory committee. The wealth of talent and experience
offered by residents of Sun City is a valuable resource to our
staff and Board.
If you are interested in serving on a committee, attend meet-
ings. Agendas, including meeting dates and locations, are noted
on our website. Many committees have subcommittees and/or
groups on which you could volunteer. By attending meetings
and becoming involved now, you automatically become a better
candidate for a committee seat in the future.
The Nominating Committee and I would be remiss were we
not to acknowledge the staff, especially Ann Dodson, Katie
Sutton and Jim Romine, for their support, assistance and
advice. They do a super job, and we thank them.
It has been a privilege and pleasure to serve on this Committee
over the past four and a half years. I thank each and every
Committee member who participated during my tenure. Also,
I must acknowledge two special Committee members, the late
General Sandy Meloy and the late Mr. Kent Buikema. Both of
them, true gentlemen, gave great leadership to our community.
To have been able to sit beside them on our Committee was
very much an honor and is something I will always remember
and cherish.
Dan Mason
Chair, Nominating Committee