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Continued on the next page
Life Sciences
We meet on the first Saturday of the
month. Contact Norm Ford at 512-868-
0098 or Bob Hazelwood at 512-864-0311.
If you have lived inMichigan, have ties to
or an interest in Michigan, please join us
to share information, stories, and memo-
ries of the Great Lake State. For further
information or to be included on our email
and notification list, contactWillWright at
The annual Minnesota Wild Rice Soup
Supper will be held on Friday, January 30
at 6 p.m. in the Georgetown and Florence
rooms of the Cowan Creek Amenity Cen-
ter. Payment can bemade fromJanuary 9
to January 23 to Judy andDonDeWenter
at 203 San Antonio Road. Cost is $7 per
person. Make checks payable to Sheridan
Formore information or to be added to our
mailing list, please contact Chuck Kraby
or Cameron Kienen-
berger at 512-240-4209.
Calling allMississippi folks – join ourMis-
sissippi Club. Come meet other Missis-
sippians living in Sun City. Contact Ann
Nelson at
512-931-2229 orMary LouHarrington at
or 512-864-1949.
Over eighty Cornhuskers held a Holiday
Celebration on November 23 at Cowan
Creek, featuring the theme “Our Nebras-
ka Heritage.” Nebraskans from Temple,
Austin, Georgetown and various others
towns attended. Nebraskans get together
three to four times a year to share and
celebrate. If you have aNebraska Connec-
tion or just want to have one, please contact
Jerry and Cleo Ramsey at 512 863-0662
New England
The New England Social Society is open
to ALL folks with ties to New England.
We get together several times a year. For
information or to be added to our email
list, contact Gail Abend at gsabend@
gmail.com, or Pat Ford at 512-943-8503
New York
Yo, New Yorkers! Do you love the Big
Apple? Did you leave your heart in the
Empire State? If you are interested in
meeting others who feel the same, let’s
get together! To add yourself to the New
York Group mailing list, e-mail Tom Ol-
sen at
. For other
information, contact Pat Prudhomat 512-
Lunch and Learn Quarterly meeting
Friday, March 6, 11:30 a.m.,
The Worship Place
All Sun City nurses, active and retired,
are invited to our quarterly meeting.
Bring your brown bag lunch, meet fellow
nurses and increase your clinical knowl-
edge. The topic will be announced at a
later date. Contact patclendenin@gmail.
com to RSVP.
The newly formed Ohio Club had two
‘high-spirited’ events in the fall of 2014.
Come and join Sun City Ohioans from the
great Buckeye state! A committee will
meet the second week in January to plan
for 2015! Watch for the next event an-
nouncement in the Sun Rays/your emails!
If you have suggestions for your Ohio Club
or to be added to our mailing list, please
contact Celia Olson 512-948-7382 or
Are you an Oregon native or have ever
lived in the great state of Oregon? Come
and join fellowOregonians in the SunCity
Oregon Club. Wemeet approximately five
times each year and also plan smaller get-
togethers for those who may have special
interests such as football watch parties.
UOandOSU fans are invited towear their
Duck or Beaver paraphernalia. Contact
Jim Anderson at oregonjim@suddenlink.
net or 512-943-9629.
Whether you were born and raised in
Pennsylvania, lived there for a short time,
or just appreciate the history and culture
of the Keystone State, you are welcome
to join us. For emails and information on
upcoming events, contact Fran Jackson
Porsche Owners
Do you own a Porsche? Are you inter-
ested in meeting other Porsche owners
for informal outings and social activities?
Contact Jerri Matthews at 512-868-9502
Anyone who would like to participate in
an interest group in psychology (psycholo-
gists, social workers, counselors, psychia-
trists), contact Don Pool at 512-864-7595
We meet at 7 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays in front of the Texas
Drive Fitness Center; all are invited to
join. Contact Dee Simmons at 512-868-
9697 or
If it is
too early for you to run, join us for coffee
at the City Market on Tuesdays at 8 a.m.
Sage in Bloom Questers
Do you love antiques? Do you like to learn
about local history and support the resto-
ration and preservation of historic articles
and places? Then you are a Quester! The
Sage in Bloom Chapter of Questers here
in Sun City Texas meets first Tuesdays
from September to May. Contact Martha
Knight at
or 512-819-9649, or Deanne Coward at
or 512-868-1732.
Sky Girls
We are a group of retired stewardesses
(better known today as flight attendants)
who meet monthly in the home of one of
our members. Our meetings are held the
first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.
We are strictly social, and have discovered
we have endless experiences to share and
compare! Call Debby Dooher at 512-869-
7459 or PamMeyners at 512-868-5575
SAR - Alexander Hamilton
sctxca.org > Site Index > SAR
The Alexander HamiltonChapter of Sons
of the AmericanRevolutionmeets the sec-
ond Saturday of eachmonth, except Febru-
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