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learning can be fun!
AARP Driver Safety
Smart Driver Course
Saturday, January 17,
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., CCW
Purchase your $17 ticket online or
at the Member Services Office
TheAARPDriver Safety programoffers the
nation’s first and largest refresher course
designed specifically for older drivers.
The program consists of one (1) four hour
session and costs $17. The course helps
drivers refine existing skills and develop
safe defensive driving techniques. Both
AARP members and non-members may
take the course;
however, non-AARP
members must pay an extra $5 at the
door. AARP members must bring
their AARP card to avoid the addi-
tional charge.
Upon completion of the course, graduates
MAY receive a discount on their automobile
insurance premiums. Please check with
your auto insurance carrier to see what
discount, if any, will apply.
AARP courses do not qualify for ticket
dismissal in Texas unless you have previ-
ously contacted the appropriate court and
received approval to take this course in
place of a Defensive Driving Course.
Remember to bring your driver’s li-
cense, AARP card and the ticket you
purchased at the CA Office or online.
For more information, contact Herb Hain-
len at
Friends of the Library
The library is closed for book process-
ing from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on the first
and third Tuesday of each month
Contact: Nancy Davis 512-863-5626 or
Guidelines for donated books and other
No encyclopedias, computer manuals,
textbooks, large sets or large books. No
VHS tapes or audio books on tape or jig-
saw puzzles. Books must have the last
copyright date or latest printing date
after 1998. Recordings must have copy-
right dated material. Magazines must
be recent, no more than 3 months old.
These restrictions are due to limited li-
brary space; unacceptable donations will
be discarded or given to a charity.
just for fun!
Sun City women of African and African-
American descent meet monthly in an
informal, friendly and fun gathering to
connect with one another. Contact RaeGill
at 512-868-8688
Antiques & Collectibles
Sun City Texas women with an abiding
interest in antiquesmeetmonthly inmem-
bers’ homes to enjoy a short program and
share knowledge and love of antiques, vin-
tage items, collectibles and historical sites.
We also have a biannual fundraiser to
benefit our local countymuseum. You are
welcome to attend as a guest if youwant to
learnmore about how our Questers group
works. Contact ChristyGlandt at 512-819-
0912 or
Big Band Group
A Sun City based Swing Band is forming
formusicians who love to play. Call Henry
Savage at 970-819-2819 or 512-863-2317,
or email
Book Discussion
Contact: Bob Stockburger, 512-240-
5573 or
The Great Books Reading and Discussion
group will meet twice in January. Group
One will meet from 5-7 p.m. on January
11 in the Activities Center to discuss
Persian Wars
, by Herodotus. Group Two
will meet from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Janu-
ary 10 to discuss Joseph Conrad’s
Heart of
. Group sizes are limited to twelve
participants. Newmembers welcome. Con-
tact Bob Stockburger at stuttgart822@
yahoo.com or 817-999-3787.
Born In Texas
If you or your spouse were born in Texas
and are not receiving the BITClub emails,
contact CarolynHeald at 512-819-9484 or
Second Thursdays
The British Group meets monthly on the
second Thursday of eachmonth. If you are
from the UK and would like to socialize
with fellowBrits, please come and join us.
Anglophiles are alsowelcome! Contact An-
gela andNorman Tucker at 512-240-4063
for information.
“Come pass a good time” with The Sun
City Texas “KissMe I’mCajun” Club. Join
us January 17 in the Mardi Gras Parade
and Party. You need not be born Cajun,
but simply enjoy the unique Cajun joie de
vivre (Joy of Life). NoDues. No Rules. Just
Fun! Everyone is welcome. Formore infor-
mation and our schedule of events, check
out our web page at
To subscribe to our newsletter, The Cajun
Times, email Ron or Peggy Scarborough at
call 512-943-9450.
Third Wednesdays
Were you born in California? Lived in
California? Visited California? Just like
California? Then come and join us on the
thirdWednesday of eachmonth for dinner.
We’re “laid-back” Californians, just eating
and socializing. Call Jan Renfro at 512-
863-2802 or email
We are about Chicago foods, including hot
dogs (no ketchup), Italian beef sandwiches,
pizza, gyros. We are about Chicago teams,
memories, neighborhoods, pride. If you
are from Chicago or have a connection
or interest in the Windy City, we hope
you will join us. We meet bi-monthly for
good food, watching our Chicago teams,
celebrations and more. Contact Linda at
, or Jim at
Corvette Owners
Are you interested in joining other Cor-
vette owners in a SunCity cruising group?
Contact Kent and SusanDidriksen at 512-
863-9206 or
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