41042_SunCity-1088 4 Flipbook sm1 - page 92

About me
Kay and I have lived in Sun City Texas
for about 10 years. We are both native
Texans, born and raised in Fort Worth.
Before coming to Sun City, Kay retired
from her clinical practice as a psycholo-
gist; I retired from a 32-year career in
higher education administration. As a
volunteer in the Tarrant County area, I
served on the board of the local Associa-
tion for Retarded Citizens, as a governor’s
appointee to the Governor’s Committee
for People withDisabilities, and served for
several years as a county commissioner’s
appointee to the Tarrant County Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Board.
Additionally, I became certified to medi-
ate both civil and family disputes in Texas
and worked as a mediator for Tarrant
County Dispute Resolution Services.
Volunteer activities related to work in-
cluded chairing the mayor’s committee
to study and make recommendations
regarding franchise efforts for cable
television in Fort Worth, and serving as
a governor’s appointee to the Telecommu-
nications Planning andOversight Council
for the State of Texas.
Kay and I have been married 20 years
and have two children: Ashley and her
husband, Scott, who are both middle
school teachers in the Fort Worth area;
and Chad who teaches Korean at USC
while working to complete his PhD. I
also had one special needs daughter who
passed away 23 years ago.
I enjoy playing golf and have become
active in the amateur radio club. I have
participated in several community activi-
ties that amateur radio operators assist
in supporting, including the Red Poppy,
Austin Autism, and Round Rock Outlaw
100 bike rides.
How long have you been with
the CA?
I am just about to complete my third year
as a building monitor and event services
staff member. Prior to that, I spent three
years working in the golf pro shops.
What does your job entail?
As a building monitor, I would describe
the functions as similar to that of a ref-
erence librarian. Residents pose a wide
variety of questions, and it is the job of
the monitor to attempt to secure answers
or be able to direct residents to the ap-
propriate resource. So, the job requires
that monitors be able to research, access
and provide information related to al-
most any topic of interest to the residents
of Sun City Texas. After almost three
years, I’m still on the learning curve my-
self, since I feel I still have a great deal
to learn about Sun City. I also perform
functions related to audio visual (AV)
equipment and its operation. I assist
other monitors to develop and maintain
their own AV skills, aid residents and
clubs with their needs, and help in the
production of Community Association
videos for use on Channel 79.
As a staff member working with event
services, I also assist in preparations
for groups using the Ballroom and other
selected rooms in the community by set-
ting up or taking down furniture based
on the desired utilization.
Challenges about your job?
Our number one goal related to the
services we provide is maintaining the
highest level of resident satisfaction.
For me, the biggest challenge is stay-
ing up-to-date on information residents
might have questions about, while also
responding to those queries in a timely
Favorite part of your job?
I have always enjoyed helping people,
and being a monitor allows me the op-
portunity to do just that. The residents
I meet are great folks and I enjoy seeing
and interacting with them. My job allows
me to see residents having fun and be-
ing active as they embrace the Sun City
Texas lifestyle. I really enjoy working for
the Community Association, due in large
part to the fact that the management
staff is the greatest. Their positive at-
titude and work ethic make this a great
place to work.
Bob Frost
A Day in the Life:
Building Monitor/Event Services
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