The Sun City Aviation Club was founded by a few residents who wanted a venue for all pilots, retired or active, to come together and discuss their mutual interests in aviation. However, membership is not limited to pilots - anyone with an interest in aviation may join. Club members come from General, Commercial, Military aviation backgrounds - pilots, maintenance crews, aircraft controllers, and former aircrew. As well, we have members who just like airplanes and things that fly! Membership is $12 annually.
The club usually meets the 3rd Saturday each month. Any changes to the schedule will be posted at this website. Location: Retreat - Lone Star Room
Coffee, donut holes and story-swapping starts at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9 a.m.
Also, the Executive Board meets each month at 9:00 a.m. Board meetings are "the Friday before the Friday before" the General meetings. (See calendar for specific dates.) All members who wish to attend the Board meeting are welcome. Location: Activities Center small conference room near the Atrium