Education and Training

Sun City Texas Photography Club provides education and training to enable you to improve your photographic knowledge and skills.

We conduct and arrange workshops by both club members and professional photography educators. Workshops conducted via Zoom during 2020 and 2021 were recorded and are available here. We also have a collection of Training Videos that we’ve identified as particularly informative and useful. 

The Club leadership voted to approve a new Education Framework in April 2022, and it was updated in June 2024. The framework, available here, identifies various types of educational opportunities that will be made available to club members, and outlines a method for ensuring high-quality instruction. It also calls for a bi-annual education plan to be published in June and December each year. The Draft Education Plan for July through December 2024 is available here.

Are you interested in teaching a course? If so, please contact Barbara Friedman, Marsha Larrabee, or Tracey Smith. An information sheet for potential instructors is available here.