Ladies Night Out

Event Date: Monday, October 23, 2023
Event Time: 5:30 pm
Event End Time: 7:30 pm

Hello Everyone, 

We had a wonderful time at Dahlia's in September. The atmosphere was enjoyed by everyone and the food was loved by all. We really enjoyed getting to know each other more and be able to sit outside after a long, too hot summer. If you didn't make it to join us all, please check it out and let us know what you think. 

It has come up a few times from different ladies that they can't, or don't drive, especially at night. Please do not let that stop you from joining us. We have several ladies who offer to drive each time, we would like to have you join us. 

We have a BIG announcement --- we are going to change our name... drum roll ... to CEOs (Chicks Eating Out)!   

For October it was recommended by Denise, and seconded by several others that we try Kyoto. It is over on Rivery Road on the Discount Tire side.  I love the suggestions, so keep those coming, ladies. Please reply to me, [email protected] and let me know if you would like to join us CEOs; everyone is welcome.

Take care, enjoy this cooler weather and be blessed!


Here is the link to Kyoto so you can check it out: