T'ai Chi

Event Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Event End Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Event End Time: 2:30 pm
Event Category: Meetings

T'ai Chi meets at Cowan Creek Pavilion from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 

No registration is required.

Our Tai Chi schedule varies according to the season. We always meet on Mondays. And always outdoors at the Cowan Creek Pavilion. However, class times do vary by season as shown below: 

    A. 2 Jan 23 to 24 Apr 2023:  Mondays, 1300-1430 hrs. We take advantage of warmer afternoon temperatures in winter.

    B. 1 May 23 to 30 Oct 23: Mondays, 0900-1030 hrs. We take advantage of cooler morning temperatures in the spring and summer.

    C. 6 Nov 23 to 25 Dec 23: Mondays, 1300-1430 hrs.  We take advantage of warmer afternoon temperatures."