Event Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Event Time: 11:30 am
Event End Time: 1:00 pm
Event Category: ROMEO

Retired Old Men Eating Out (ROMEO) Luncheon – Wednesday April 13th  George Gaumont  

Our next luncheon will be held on Wednesday, April 13 th starting at 11:30 am at Gumbo's North – 

701 Main Street in Georgetown on the square (across from the county courthouse.)  We will be dining in a private room on the second floor.  An elevator is available for those who want to avoid climbing the stairs.  

Let George know by Tuesday, April 12th if you plan to attend.  Call (512) 591-7613 or e-mail at [email protected]m 

P.S.: Let George know if you need a ride and don't forget to wear you name tag.