1-Modern Quilt Group

Event Date: Monday, July 4, 2022
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Event End Time: 4:00 pm
Event Category: Meeting

The Modern Quilt Group meets the first Monday of each month, from 1 - 4 PM in Studio 1.

Cheryl Johnson will lead the group in 2022.

Our focus will remain on modern and contemporary quilts, original designs, improv and "outside-the-box" work.

Group meetings will be varied, with internal teachers sharing their expertise, outside speakers, projects, challenges, work days where we can bring our machines and use the studio resources like design walls and projector for design transfers. The emphasis will be on FUN while we do and learn. Activities will be based on what the group's survey results.

This will be a very collaborative group, sharing knowledge and experiences.  Please plan to join us if "modern" is your thing! The Show & Tell is definitely worth it! And oh, the fun we'll have….