Extra Events

Pop Ups: 

  • Newbie Orientation (will add as needed)
  • Special Topics as requested

Small Groups Practices: Saturdays at 11:00 Cowan Creek Andice Room

  • Or create your own small group: 

    1. Pick a date and time, announce a practice at a Jam to invite new friends to join you. If it's fun, do it again later. Here's a form.
    2. Or wait until somebody announces a new Day & Time at a Jam, then sign with them.
    3. Organizer takes the sign-up sheet, plans and contacts the group.
    4. It's your thing, do whatcha wanna do.

  • Uke friends support each other, a deadline motivates you to practice. 
  • Teach each other, share skills and ideas. 
  • If you are the Organizer, the bonus is that YOU get to pick the date, time, frequency, place, number of people.
  • Meet in somebody's living room, on a porch, or at a common space in Sun City.
  • Play music for the upcoming Jam or a skill. Keep it simple, focus on one specific thing.
  • Advanced Group? Play fast and loose - maybe show the big group some NEW thing at a Jam.
  • Song Choosers? Test-drive our song database, or add songs from anywhere.
  • Newbies Mentors? Help new players - how to hold the uke, how to tune it and a basic strum.