iPhone Photography SIG

Community Association

Bob & Evelyn Bearden, SIG Coordinators

([email protected])


1. Establish a Club Nexus/Community for sharing and collaboration on iPhone Photography specific subjects.

2. Orient iPhone Photographers to the operation of their iPhone camera systems.

3. Share our iPhone Photo images with each other

4. Stay up to date with iPhone camera hardware and software advances.

5. Improve our overall photographic skills


When: We meet on the 1st Friday of each month from 9:30am to 11:30AM. Check the Club Calendar for specific meeting dates, the topics to be covered on that date and to upload Subject of Month photos.

Where:We meet in the Activities Center, Classroom 1 & 2 or as we call it "the Studio".

How to Join: Check the box for iPhone Photography SIG under the Sun City Community Association MY MEMBERSHIPS to join the SIG and receive emails from the Club. First time visitors can provide their email at the SIG Meeting to receive additional emails from the SIG Coordinator.



  1. Education: A key feature/capability of your iPhone camera will be covered. The "how to's" of your iPhone cameras are presented.
  2. Videos: Informative presentations by noted iPhone photo educators will help you improve your iPhone photo skills.
  3. Traveling with iPhone: Each month we will visit a popular destination and highlight its photographic opportunities.
  4. Photo Editing & Image Management: The Apple Photos app that comes with your iPhone is where your photos are stored. It is also an excellent editing tool to improve the look of your images and to ensure you are able to find and share your photos!
  5. Hardware Reviews: The latest iPhones will be reviewed to help you decide which one is best for you along with rumors of what the next edition of iPhone will bring!
  6. Subject of the Month (SOM) photos: The highpoint of SIG meetings is the review of photos submitted by the membership. This is a "low-key", non-critical look at what the members have done with their iPhone cameras. The SOM is posted on the Calendar information for each meeting. 

IV. SUBMITTING SOM IMAGES: Participants should select up to three relevant images taken with their iPhones for display at the upcoming meeting. Monthly SOM topics are announced at the conclusion of each meeting. To upload SOM images, click here.  Upload full size JPEG or HEIC images.


V. NOTES are posted following each meeting on the SIG website. The Notes include the links to all the videos viewed at the session. Five years of SIG Notes are available for review.


VI. OTHER RESOURCES: In addition to the NOTES from past meetings the SIG website also contains: 

  • iPhone Photo Glossary
  • iPhone camera video tutorials
  • Apple Photos App video tutorial
  • Galleries of past Subject of the Month images submitted by the membership.

Questions may be addressed to : [email protected]