Memorial Day Picnic

Event Date: Monday, May 27, 2024
Event Time: 5:00 pm


Monday, May 27, 5 pm Memorial Day Picnic (and N48 donation time)! Join your N48 friends for a picnic at the Cowan Creek Pavilion on Monday, May 27th at 5 pm.

 Let us never forget those who paid the ultimate price so we could have the freedom to enjoy times like this in peace. Plan to attend the largest block party of the year, sponsored by your block captains. We will be providing hot dogs, buns, condiments and cake for dessert. Please bring a side dish to share and your beverage of choice. We will be drawing for door prizes as well.

Each year at our Memorial Day picnic we put out a basket so you can contribute to our neighborhood. Your donations fund our neighborhood decorations at the entrances, flags for the mailboxes, paper products for our parties, and Social Committee events that require decorations, etc. We are thankful for your support of our N48 efforts with a once-yearly donation to keep N48 rocking. Suggested donation is $10/person.
Please register on the website by Friday, May 24th so we can buy the right quantity of hot dogs, cake, etc.
Questions? Contact Jim Nobert, 817-676-6078.