Solos Super Thirsty Thursday @ Retreat

Event Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023
Event Time: 5:00 pm
Event End Time: 7:00 pm
Event Category: Thirsty Thursday





WHO:   Solos Members & Guests



                                           Solos SUPER Thirsty Thursday


WHERE:  The Retreat - 1220 Cattleman Dr.


WHEN:   Thursday, OCTOBER 12, 2023,  5:00 - 7:00 P.M.


WHY:      Meet, Greet, Mingle, Eat, Drink, & Be Merry



We Meet, Greet, & Mingle 

at both Thirsty Thursday & Super Thirsty Thursday.

However, We Eat, Drink, and be Merry  at our Super Thirsty Thursdays,

as guests of the Solos Club.



BYOB, but you will also be treated to Pizza, a Specialty Beverage, and Music for listening and dancing!


Newcomers, Please wear a Name Tag: Solos, CA ID,  or any other that you may have,  or one provided at the registration table.


SOLOS Name Tags ($8 cash) may be purchased from  Darrell Hutchinson at our Social.

When you are notified that your name tag is ready,  please pick it up promptly. 


Consider sitting a a table where NEWCOMERS are sitting.  Let's make our new members & guests feel welcomed!