It's that time of year again – baseball season!
Come join your neighbors for baseball night at Dell Diamond! Watch the Round Rock Express host the Oklahoma City Dodgers. Not only will you get to enjoy the game but also a fireworks display after the game!
Event Date: Friday, May 12 Event Time: 7:05 pm Event Location: Dell Diamond Event Cost: $20 per person for reserved seats (This is a group rate based on having 20 or more people attend. We've always had more than enough people attend to qualify for the group rate.)
Contact: Boyd Chessman - [email protected] We will meet in the Cowan Amenity Center parking lot at 5:30 for carpooling. Parking is $13-15 per vehicle, so let's carpool to save on parking costs!
Online registration and payment deadline is Sunday, April 23, however, it would be appreciated if you sign up sooner rather than later so we can solidify our reserved seats.
Please pay Boyd – cash or a check made out to Neighborhood 48 (not N48 please!) – by April 23. There will be a box in Boyd's front entryway (225 Coffee Mill) in which you can deposit your payment; otherwise make arrangements with Boyd (or Nancy!) to pay in person.
Hope to see you at the ball park!