Annual Horticulture Club Spring Plant SaleSaturday, April 15 • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 141 Sun City Blvd., next to Del Webb FieldThe Horticulture Club is having the annual plant sale on Sat. April 15, at the Community Gardens at 141 Sun City Blvd. The gate will open at 9 AM and will close by 1 PM or when we are sold out. There will be organically grown vegetables, and herbs, as well as perennial plants, Iris, and rescued plants in the Nursery. Geraniums of all colors are always a big hit. Compost tea and Back to Nature compost will also be sold. Many of our members are expert gardeners and can help with choices. Cash, check or credit card. No pets are allowed in the garden. Hand sanitizer will be available. Come enjoy the morning! Cash, checks and credit cards accepted. Sponsored by the Sun City Horticulture Club. All proceeds benefit the Sun City Gardens.