"Souper" Bowl Party - 2023

Event Date: Sunday, February 12, 2023
Event Time: 4:00 pm
Event End Time: 8:00 pm


N48 "Souper" Bowl Party

Calling all football and/or party fans!!

The 2023 "Souper" Bowl Party will be held at The Retreat Lone Star Room (1220 Cattleman Drive) on Sunday, February 12, from 4:00-8:00 p.m.  We will have a soup contest, lots of socializing, a quarter-by-quarter football pool (~$25 prize per quarter dependent upon any potential empty spaces assigned to N48) and football trivia with possible prizes. If you are not bringing a soup to be judged (see below), please bring an appetizer, salad, more soup to be shared, a side dish or dessert. After the judging of soups is completed, the contest soups will be brought to the food tables for you to try. We will also watch the first half of the game on a big screen and/or continue to socialize and eat some more.  

Volunteers needed for the following:

  • If you would like to participate in making a soup to be judged, please email Nancy Chessman ([email protected]) before noon on Friday, February 3, with your name along with the name of the soup you're planning to enter into the contest.  More details will be provided to you once we have the names of all contestants.  

  • If you would like to judge the contest soups, please provide your name to Rebecca Moore ([email protected]).  Judges (or their significant others) cannot be a contestant. We will need 3-5 judges total so selection of judges will be on a first-come, first-served basis. We request that you have no food allergies as one never knows what types of soups will be entered into this contest but the past has proven that all soups judged have been delicious.

Remember, if you are not making a soup for the contest, please bring an appetizer, side dish, dessert, or more soup to share and, also, don't forget to bring your own beverage (BYOB).  Due to limited space and required preparations for the contest, any soup brought the day of the Souper Bowl but not registered for judging will not be included in the contest.  

Don't forget to register online by February 8th!  If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Moore (832-525-9170, [email protected]) or Nancy Chessman (920-858-2475, [email protected])

We look forward to seeing you at this fun event!