Nature Club Members: Please join us for our Monthly General Meeting and Program. We will meet November 14th at 2:30 PM in the SCB (Ballroom). Our Program is:
Waste Deep, Recycling 101 and Beyond the Landfill Presented by Greg Behl, Sustainability and Diversion Coordinator for Texas Disposal Systems
"Waste Deep: Recycling 101 and Beyond the Landfill" This discussion will explore the historical motivations for resource recovery and provide a detailed exploration of what happens to the myriad of discarded items tossed into the recycling bin. A review of the current state of the recycling industry will also be examined. Further analysis regarding the economics of these material commodities will be addressed. The conversation will expand on the future landscape of the world of sustainability initiatives local and nationwide. Greg Behl Bio Greg Behl is the Sustainability and Diversion Coordinator for Texas Disposal Systems, one of the state's first fully integrated disposal and recovery facilities. With a focus on increasing landfill diversion for clients in governmental, commercial and public school districts; he has guided training and implementation of best practices that have helped numerous entities move towards their sustainability goals. Before devoting his energies in Texas, Greg worked in New York City on the pilot 'Zero Waste Schools' program, an initiative educating students and adults alike throughout the public school system to properly direct their recycling, compost and landfill materials.
With many years of experience in the recycling industry and combined passion, Greg shares his knowledge in line with promoting the mission of Texas Disposal Systems and the city of Austin's ambitious waste recovery and diversion goals. He is currently the Co-Chair of the USGBC (US Green Building Council) Green Schools Committee (Central Texas Chapter) and formerly sat on the Board of Directors for STAR (State of Texas Alliance for Recycling).
------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact: Martin Byhower at [email protected] |