Nature Club Members: Please join us for our Monthly General Meeting and Program. We will meet August 8th at 2:30 PM in the SCB (Ballroom). Topic : "Bringing Back the Prairie" Presented by Tim Siegmund, Private Lands Program Leader, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD)
Tim Siegmund
"Native Grassland Restoration in the Texas Blackland Prairie" The Texas Blackland Prairie once stretched over 13 million acres of Texas from the Red River to just south of San Antonio. Conversion to non-native grasses, row crop farming, and brush invasion by mesquite and cedar have reduced it to less than 100,000 acres of functional native grassland. Tim will discuss the historic ecosystem of the Blackland Prairie, its importance to wildlife and pollinator species, its demise over the last 150 years, the need for good management, the process of restoration, and a discussion on the realities of scale in a rapidly urbanizing part of the state.
Tim was born and raised in Giddings, TX. A bachelor's degree and graduate research at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX was followed by employment with TPWD in 2009. In College Station, Tim was responsible for 7 counties performing wildlife surveys, public outreach, technical guidance, prescribed fire assistance, public hunting opportunity, and wildlife tax valuation planning.
Starting in November of 2017 Tim began his role as the Private Lands Program Leader for TPWD dealing with private lands issues in a statewide capacity especially TPWD based incentive program administration, programmatic wildlife tax valuation planning, NRCS partnership coordination, and the Lonestar Land Steward Awards Program. Tim resides in College Station with his wife and three children.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact: Martin Byhower at [email protected] |