General Meeting
The Retreat

Event Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023
Event Time: 8:30 am
Event End Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023
Event End Time: 10:30 am
Event Category: Meetings

General meeting at The Retreat

Story-swapping starting at 0830; club meeting starts at 0900 to 1030.

  • Program: SKY GIRLS
    "We are a group of retired stewardesses (better known today as flight attendants) who meet monthly in the home of one of our members. We are strictly social, and have discovered we have endless experiences to share and compare!" - The Aviation Club is honored to host these Sun City residents who have a lot to share about their training and their time in the sky.
  • Coffee and donut-holes will be served!

Open to all members and guests.  Non-club members are encouraged to visit and then join via the Sun City web-site or at the Community Association office. 
