COLUMBUS DAY Remote Ride Monday, October 10th @ 8:30 a.m. D. Boone's in Florence
DESCRIPTION: Flat, then hilly thru Mahomet and NE of Briggs thru rolling hills with beautiful farm land. 100% paved, light traffic, especially on a holiday!
The route leaves Florence going west thru Andice/Mahomet to Briggs with a rest stop at Valero then follows a north/east loop back to D. Boone's.
Restrooms are available at D. Boone's
DEPARTS: Monday, October 10th @ 8:30 a.m. from the rear parking lot at D. Boone's @ Main & New Hwy 195.
ROUTES: Three routes starting and finishing in the rear parking lot at D. Boone's. LUNCH: D. Boone's is expecting us, so please patronize them - always tasty!
Many thanks to Tommy O'Neal (yep, really) for routes and Steve Stephens for developing maps.
Contact Leanne with questions or comments: [email protected].