Game Night

Event Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Event Time: 6:30 pm
Event End Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Event End Time: 9:00 pm


Many residents in N36 have learned to play the marbles game, Joker-Joker and there are several previously organized core groups that have been playing on a regular basis for many years.  Each person or couple in the core groups periodically hosts the group in their homes.

As new neighbors have gotten settled and expressed an interest in neighborhood activities, several couples have made efforts to teach this game to new neighbors.  The game has become very popular, and we now have many more people who want to play, but the core groups are full.  Another group can be created if we have volunteers to host in their home.  However, we thought we might try something different.

To allow anyone to play without having to be part of an existing core group or host, we are organizing an open Game Night that will be held on September 22nd at 6:30 at the The Oaks meeting room.  This is the building where the old Legacy Hills restaurant was previously located.  For those who are not familiar with the Legacy Hills restaurant, it is the building on Del Web where the Legacy Hills golf shop is located.

We will have several tables set up with Joker-Joker game boards.  You will just need to show up with your preferred snacks and drinks.  If we have enough interest and some want to play another game other than Joker-Joker, such as Mexican Train we can set up a table for that as well.  Poker fans can also use a secluded corner to play their favorite games.  Again, this is an all new event, so we can change things as we see how things go.  The most important thing is to socialize and have some fun. 

So that we can set up enough tables, we will need a head count and your preferred game. 

Please respond to Tina Bischoff with your name and preferred game (and how many will be playing).

Please note:  this event is probably not the best time to learn a game you have never played, but if you respond that you have an interest in learning Joker-Joker or Mexican Train, we will do everything we can to connect you with neighbors who are willing to teach you the game, hopefully prior to Game Night.

Hopefully we will see many of you at this new event.