Nature Club Members:
Greetings Nature Club Members!
This is your invitation to the October general meeting. Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 2:30 p.m. Sun City Ballroom The presentation is:
The Gault Site & the Peopling of the Americas
Presenter: D. Clark Wernecke
over 400 years we have accepted the idea that the first peoples in the
Americas walked here from Asia. We took the original idea and refined it
as new data/ideas came to light and finally, after much struggle,
decided that the event must have happened around 10-13,000 years ago.
There was also some grudging agreement that Clovis technology, existing
roughly 12,700-13,500 years ago, must be representative of those people.
Parts of this hypothesis never made sense but those inconsistencies
were ignored and a story of the peopling of the Americas developed that
we still teach our children. New information in the form of sites older
than Clovis, dating of other events, environmental data and challenges
to the inconsistencies of the hypotheses have shown that the old story
we were all taught is wrong and new hypotheses are being suggested. The
Gault Site in Central Texas, a State Antiquities Landmark, is a very
important contributor to these discussions.
We look forward to seeing you there!