Event Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Event Time: 11:30 am
Event End Time: 1:00 pm
Event Category: ROMEO

Retired Old Men Eating Out (ROMEO) Luncheon – Tuesday, January 4th -   

George Gaumont 

Our first  ROMEO Luncheon for the new year will be held on Tuesday, January 4th at 11:30 am at 600 Degrees Pizzeria & Drafthouse – 124 E. 8th Street in Georgetown. 


Hey "Goodfellas" 


Forget about the Godfather and his 3rd degree. 

Yah.  Fah-get about it. 

Let's get all of 600 degrees and a "piece of the pie." 


Please let George know by Monday, January 3rd if you plan to attend. Call (512) 591-7613 or e-mail at 

P.S.: Let George know if you need a ride and don't forget to wear your name tag.