N13 Pot Luck

Event Date: Friday, September 17, 2021
Event Time: 5:00 pm
Event End Time: 7:30 pm
Event Category: Potlucks

N13 POTLUCK - 5pm FRIDAY September 17


The September Potluck will be held Friday September 17th in the Lonestar Room at the Retreat.

Meet and greet will be at 5pm with dinner at 5:30pm

Thanks to Elaine Austin and her helpers who will be our hosts for the evening.
Please bring a dish to share that serves 6-8 people and bring your own drinks.
Be sure to invite any new neighbors and help them to feel a warm welcome to Neighborhood 13.

Last month we tried a Social gathering and had only 18 attendees so this month we are going back to our usual Potluck. 
We'll have some distance through the food line and space the tables.
We look forward to seeing you there.