Chick-Fil-A & Game Night Saturday, October 16, 2021 5:30 – 9:00 Retreat/Lonestar Room Meal Pre-Orders Due: October 10, 2021 Although the Social Committee's Special Events subcommittee was planning an Italian dinner event on Saturday, October 16, 2021, it appears Covid is still playing havoc on what we can or cannot do with sharing of food at this time. However, since that date is already saved on your calendar and the room is reserved for our neighborhood's use, we have decided to hold a fun evening of eating Chick-Fil-A and playing games beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Retreat's Lonestar Room.
Please register to attend this event whether you prefer to bring your own meal or whether you prefer to pre-order Chick-Fil-A. Additionally, if you have a game or two that you enjoy playing, please bring it to share.
For those pre-ordering a meal, by October 10 please place an envelope with name and $10 per person cash or check (made out to Neighborhood 48) in the box on the porch of Nancy Chessman (225 Coffee Mill Creek). Your meal will include a chicken sandwich, bag of chips, cookie, and drink of lemonade, ice tea, or sweet tea. We are keeping the cost rounded up in case it becomes necessary to purchase more drinks as well as with the understanding that any extra money will be put into the N48 general neighborhood fund to be used for future cul-de-sac or social event table supplies/decorations, street entrance decorations, etc.