Remote Ride - Andice to Black's Fort/Bertram DESCRIPTION: This ride travels through beautiful countryside of Mahomet and Joppa. DEPARTS: 8:00AM Wednesday June 9th FROM: Andice Baptist Church, FM970, Andice ROUTES: Long - 59 miles/1676 ft climbing with a rest stop in Bertram - Medium - 43 miles/1594 ft climbing with a rest stop in Bertram -
Short - 21 miles, no rest stop - REST STOPS: 1. Water at Joppa church (water hose at right front) 2. Exxon service station in Bertram (x rail track at Hwy 29)
LUNCH: Andice Country Store. Outside tables. SPECIAL THANKS: Rufus Barnes and Steve Stevens for coming up with the routes and Map My Ride GPS maps. Thanks to Leanne Waldo for coordinating the remote rides. HIGHLIGHT: BLACK'S FORT on the South San Gabriel River in eastern Burnet County, was named for William Black, who built it in 1851, reportedly to protect local settlers from Indian raids where is said woman and children were taken at full moon when the Indians were most likely to raid nearby homes. It consisted of a thick-walled stone house and a springhouse within a stone and wood stockade, also serving as a residence, protective building and a storage place for supplies and ammunition. It supposedly served as a fort until 1868. Thereafter, it continued to be used as a residence. In 1936 the Texas Centennial commission placed a marker on the site. See you on Wednesday! Leanne Waldo 541-977-8285