Neighborhood Stroll

Event Date: Sunday, April 25, 2021
Event Time: 5:00 pm


Neighborhood Stroll

Residents are invited to enjoy a Neighborhood Springtime Stroll at 5 p.m. this Sunday, April 25th. There are two ways to participate:

1) take a walk through our neighborhood streets (it's only a mile including cul-de-sacs) and wave to your neighbors, or

2) sit on a chair in your driveway or front porch and wave to your neighbors as they stroll by.

It's really easy. "April 25th is the day we would have had our traditional monthly block party, but to keep things safe we invite you to walk instead. Just think, you don't have to bring a covered dish," says Mary Beth Wilson, N48 Neighborhood Rep.

Please keep it safe by walking only with members of your household, staying six feet apart from others, wearing a mask, and avoiding congregating in groups.