Better Pictures Class

Event Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event End Time: 11:30 am
Event Category: Course

"I Just Want To Take Better Pictures!"

Our new offering is a 3-session class designed for the beginner or casual photographer who wants to take better pictures without worrying about the more technical aspects of photography. Topics include basic composition, touching up photos on the computer, and handling common problems. All the equipment that is needed is a camera (phone, point-and-shoot, or more advanced) and a computer (Mac or Windows). We will be using software that is provided free with Macs and Windows computers for photo touch-ups.
Classes will be held online 10:00 – 11:30 the first three Thursdays in April (April 1, April 8, and April 15). There will be a maximum of 10 participants. After the class is over, there will be opportunities for the people who have completed the class to engage with their classmates online for sharing photos and asking questions.
Registration for I Just Want to Take Better Pictures will begin on March 15 at 8 AM via the Photography Club Calendar.