N43 Annual Meeting

Event Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Event Time: 6:30 pm
Event Category: Meetings

To our N43 Neighbors,


On January 16, 2020 we will hold our annual meeting from 6:30 to 9 pm at Cowan Creek. At that time, we will elect new officers for the coming year. The proposed slate is as follows:

  • NRep – Greg Hughes (who served as one of two AltReps this year)
  • AltRep – Patty Kantor (who has expressed an interest and would be willing to move up to NRep for 2021)
  • Secretary – Anita Sciance
  • Treasurer – Tom Sciance


If any of you would be interested in one of these positions, please let me know this week! The NRep traditionally moves up from AltRep, but this is by no means a requirement. We also welcome additional AltReps. Having 2 AltReps worked really well for us this year, and the NRO will offer training for both of these positions shortly. In addition, Anita and Tom have held their positions for two years – and although willing to continue – they are also willing to relinquish these offices to others. As Anita told me this morning, they are a great way to meet new people and become more involved in the neighborhood!


So do let me hear from you if you would like to become more involved!


With best wishes,

Joan Hughes

N43 Rep for 2019