Nature SIG

Event Date: Friday, August 28, 2020
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Event End Time: 3:00 pm
Event Category: SIG

Theme: No theme this, any photo you want, as long as it is "nature" related. 
How to submit photos: Format them to a max of 1400 horizontal or 1050 vertical pixels. Label them as yourname, yourphoto'stitle.jpeg. 
Then e-mail them to [email protected] by Thursday night. (If they get there on Friday I might not notice them and they might not get loaded into Lightroom to show). 

Where? Zoom
How to "register" and "attend" the Zoom Meeting?  Click on the hyperlink in the "invitation" below.

You will get an email response from Walt G with a new blue hyperlink. 
10-15 minutes before the 1 PM meeting, click on the blue hyperlink in Walt's email response. ( that upcoming email from Walt and click the link in THAT email)
See you there!

 Carlos Rio
You are invited to the Nature Photo SIG Meeting via Zoom. 
When: Aug 28, 2020 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting: