Instruction Filming Court 8

Event Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Event Time: 9:00 am
Event End Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Event End Time: 11:00 am
Event Category: Special Events


The board has approved a project to develop a training movie for new and current members that also shows people the bocce club and its members.  Our plan is to create a movie that meets YouTube's standards so people can access it at home, from their cellphones, cars and watch it anywhere and anytime they want.  

Dick Billows and Sherry Nogle will be filming the video. It will have lots of live action footage so people can learn to play bocce by seeing it done, not by hearing someone talk about it.  One of the standards we have to meet is to have permission to use every "actor's" image. Anyone who wishes to appear in the movie (and we hope lots of you will), must sign a 1-page release. You will receive $1 as full consideration for that release. 

We want to make the movie funny and entertaining. So, the action footage will include the typical banter between players.  Also, you can create humorous and incorrect comments about our little red ball.  Make up another name, or how we use it, or where it comes from, or how you pronounce its name, its history, etc.  We'll sprinkle these humorous elements throughout the movie.  The sky's the limit, nothing is too silly, weird or too strange as long as it is funny and 15 seconds long.