Legacy Grille Exhibit

Event Date: Saturday, September 28, 2019
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event Category: Exhibit

Legacy Grille Exhibit


Our Photography Club and the Visual Arts Club will co-host the exhibit this month.

The five photographers exhibiting have all traveled to various parts of Africa:

They are:     Ruby Pecot

                     Ursula Pinner

                     Glenn Rudd

                     Keith Walkup

                     Joan Wilson

The Visual Arts Club member exhibiting is:

                      Sung Cha Brooks

Please come by and see their work. It will be hanging beginning September 28 through November 2, 2019.

Registration for the month of November will begin on September 28.  Please go to the November 2 hang date to register.  NOTE:  The registration button on the November 2nd date will NOT appear until September 28th.