September Native Plant Walks Schedule

Event Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018
Event Time: 8:00 am
Event End Time: 10:30 am
Event Category: Meetings

Native Plant Walk:

There will be two plant walks in September: The 24th and 27th. We will meet
at the Quarter Moon trail-head on Rio Grande Loop at Sun City Blvd. at 8:00 a.m.
We will return about 10:30 a.m.
You may wish to follow the link to copy a list of plants seen on the trail.

Click Here For Plant List <---need link

Please come a little early to sign in. You are encouraged to wear name badges.

If you have questions about these Native Plant Walks
or any other Native Plant questions, please contact
the SIG Leader:

Native Plant SIG Chair: Larry Fowler
[email protected]  