SOLD OUT First Ladies Exhibit – Bush Library – Dallas Lunch on your own Monday, Sept. 24, $43 pp Depart SCPL 8 a.m.; return 5:30 p.m. Level 1, walking and steps Tickets for this event go on sale on Monday, July 2 @ 8 a.m.  Behind every successful man is a woman, and First Ladies are a true example of this famous phrase. Behind the scenes they influence politics, policies and establish their own platforms. From their famous style of dress, to their manners and speeches, they impact this country. Former First Lady Laura Bush has put together this exhibit celebrating the role of First Ladies over the years and their world stage advantage. The exhibit tells the story of what the First Ladies accomplished on their own and is not about their famous husbands. Along with this special exhibit, you may explore the museum chronicling President 43’s time in office, see gifts presented to the Bushes by world leaders and view the First Daughters’ video. Lunch will be on your own at one of the two eateries in the library. The café has pre-made salads and sandwiches and Starbuck’s coffee. Café 43 has a variety of choices in their sit-down restaurant. On the way going and returning we will stop at Slovacek’s in West for a rest stop. NOTE: You will have to go through a security check-metal detector and bag scanner. No backpacks or large purses allowed. Ticket cost includes transportation, museum and special exhibit. Maximum tickets: 48 Volunteer Trip Leader: Ellen Mire |