Thanks to the Troops

Event Date: Friday, June 15, 2018
Event End Date: 6/14/2018 11:00 pm CST
Event Category: Special Events

Sun City Residents Say:  Thanks To The Troops 


Every two years Sun City hosts a golf tournament for 108 soldiers from Fort Hood. This is called “Thanks to the Troops”. This is a way to meet and personally thank the soldiers for their service to our country. This year’s event will be held on Friday, June 15th.  The troops arrive at 11:00 am via buses and the shotgun golf tournament starts at 1:00 on White Wing Golf Course.  The teams will be made up of 4 players:  3 Fort Hood soldiers and one Veteran member from Sun City.  Following the golf tournament, the troops will be hosted to a BBQ dinner at Cowan Creek Pavilion.  

There are many ways individuals and organizations can assist with this event.  (More details below).  Neighborhood 59 has decided to sponsor a hole on the golf course, which means we will be setting up a table at the tee box on the hole we are assigned (hole number is still to be determined), and we will serve drinks and snacks to the troops as they play through.  

I. What we need from our N59 neighbors:

  1. Volunteers to work at the hole (4 volunteers for possibly 2 hour shifts --  depending on how many volunteers we get).
  2. Volunteers to make homemade cookies or brownies or other similar dessert items. (NOTE:  We cannot have any items with nuts!)  
  3. Volunteers to donate money to assist with purchase of water, Gatorade, etc. and paper supplies. 
  4. Volunteers to drive their golf carts to Sun City Blvd at approximately 10:45 to greet the soldiers as they arrive.  We plan to meet at the entrance to the golf cart path and caravan to line up on Sun City Blvd. (near White Wing) by 11:00.  Bring a US flag along to wave as the troops arrive!

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the N59 items listed above, please contact Rick or Sue Jordan via phone or email.  

Rick:  816-805-3213
Sue:  816-805-1260
Email:  [email protected]

If you want to donate money, please make checks out to Sherry Thien and drop them off at her home (316 Cathedral Mountain Pass) no later than June 8th


II. Other areas of need (not specifically related to N59):

  1. Volunteers to put together bags of golf balls. (this will be done prior to June 15th)
  2. Volunteers to help work at the golf course on June 15thto help get the players checked in and add US flags to their golf carts.
  3. Volunteers to help set up Cowan Creek Pavilion (tables and chairs, etc.) prior to the dinner.  (Set up approximately 2:00 pm on June 15th)
  4. Volunteers to help with clean up/tear down at Cowan Creek Pavilion after dinner (approximately 9:00 pm on June 15th

If you are interested in any of these volunteer needs, please contact Anne Henry, phone:  512-869-7934 or email [email protected]

III.  The Men’s Golf Association (MGA) will be looking for volunteers to:

  1. Loan sets of golf clubs to the troops 
  2. Serve as Marshalls on the course
  3. Serve as Spotters on the course 

The MGA will be reaching out to members for these items.  N59 has no further information on this. 

IV.  There are other ways to volunteer to help with the Thanks to the Troops Event.  Please see the form attached here (click here). These types of donations must be done by completing the form and sending a check for the donation to Anne Henry.

If you have any questions, please contact Rick or Sue Jordan.  

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this great event!