SOLD OUT Esther’s Follies Dinner on your own Thursday, Aug 2, $57 pp Depart SCPL 4:30 p.m.; return 10:30 p.m. Level 1, walking and steps Tickets for this event go on sale on Friday, June 1 @ 8 a.m. 
Escape the summer heat in exchange for unique, fast paced, non-stop laughter and fun! Esther's Follies is a mix of musical numbers and skits (with timely current events) and amazing magic. The material includes many fresh routines while still keeping some of our old favorites. First-timers, you haven't seen anything until you go to Esther's for an evening filled with hearty laughter that's always the ‘talk of the town.’ Think Second City meets Austin, TX. NOTES: Theater seating is very tight, and most seats are on risers. This is an adult entertainment show. Our pre-show stop will be at The Domain Rock Rose District offering a distinctive variety of restaurants for dinner on your own. Maps and restaurant suggestions will be provided. Ticket cost includes transportation and show. 54 tickets maximum Volunteer Trip Leader: Jacki Westpfahl |