Daily Play

Event Date: Monday, May 7, 2018
Event Time: 8:00 am
Event End Date: 5/6/2018 11:00 pm CST
Event End Time: 10:00 am

The Bocce Club is starting a new “Daily Play” program for those members who have not participated in our “Daily Open Play” (DOP). The new DOP program will be held at the Bocce Courts, daily, Monday through Saturday, starting at 8:00 AM.

The only variance from this timetable would be a scheduled League or Special Event. The players will know in advance of any changes in the daily scheduling.

This new DOP is designed for those members who have the skill levels of intermediate players and who want to play against other members with the same skills. Play starts with each player drawing for position on a specific court with a group of three other players. Play continues for at least three games with each player having an opportunity of playing against each other.

We look forward to you playing in this new “Open Play” program. Please contact John Shideler at [email protected] if you have any questions. Play starts tomorrow morning. We hope to see YOU on the Courts.