Mentor Discussion Group

Event Date: Monday, January 29, 2018
Event Time: 12:00 pm
Event End Time: 2:00 pm
Event Category: Workshop

Leaders: Jim Newkirk; for diversity, future leadership will rotate within the group

Frequency of meeting: Every Monday from Noon to 2pm

Prerequisite: Camera and Manual; Registration on Club Calendar is NOT necessary

Mentor Discussion Group - Sometimes you’re the mentor; sometimes you’re the mentored.

The “Mentor Discussion Group” is a hands-on, topic driven, gathering of members who like to discuss specific photographic topics. It is a friendly, casual, group with multi levels of experience from novice to advanced. We may show and tell a photo by the members, and then focus on a specific camera setting. We may share equipment reviews, or debate the definition of over processed. The group decides. It continues to evolve. Some members just got a new camera or a new lens; others are into specific photo subjects like wildlife, landscapes, birds, architecture, cars, human interest, insects, children, pets, Lightroom or Photoshop…and the list goes on. You won’t be bored as a member asks, “How do you…” or “I’ve done that…” or “What’s a Lightroom brush…” We have a Mac and a PC with a 70” screen and can take your photos directly off your camera. And you will talk to a real person not a video.   

This “Mentor Discussion Group” is open to all Photo Club members AND any member of the Sun City Community who is thinking of joining…you’re welcome to attend two meetings to see if it’s helpful before joining the Photo Club.

In short, we help each other with a blend of the social, the artistic, and the technical aspects of photography. So come on in on Mondays from noon to 2pm…in the Activity Center Game Rooms 1 &2, and bring your camera and manual.