Jr Camp Session 1

Event Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Event End Date: 6/14/2018 11:00 pm CST
Event Category: Fairs & Special Events

NOTE:  Camp is full for 2018.  If you are interested for 2019, remember to check November 2018 Sun Rays  for details to enter the annual drawing.

Announcing Junior Camp 2018!
Session 1:  June 12-15 – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

What is Junior Camp?  Junior Camp is a day camp for 160 grandchildren (80 each session) to experience Sun City activities – bocce ball, swimming, tennis, acting, golf, ceramics, gardening, fishing, and more. Staffing includes director, nurse, counselors, volunteer Sun City club members, and lifeguards who all help provide a fun and safe environment. Cost is $300 per camper which includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, camp T-shirt, and all activities. 

Who is eligible to attend?  Campers must be 7-11 years old at the time of camp. No exceptions due to Texas licensing.  Also, we are not licensed to accommodate children with special needs.

How do I sign up?  Because of the popularity of Junior Camp we hold an annual drawing to determine the participants.  The 2018 drawing will be held Friday, February 23, 10 a.m. in the French Room.  Attendance at drawing is not required.

How do I enter the drawing?

  • Beginning Tuesday, January 2, fill out an entry form and place in designated Jr Camp drawing box.  Entry forms and box are located at the CA Monitors Station, 2 Texas Drive.  Only one form per household.
  • One entry form will allow for one OR two grandchildren to be entered in the drawing.  No more than two grandchildren allowed per household.
  • If grandchildren have more than 1 set of grandparents in Sun City, the children’s names can be submitted under ONE AND ONLY ONE household.
  • You MUST select Session 1 OR Session 2 for each grandchild.  Do not leave the session information blank, or your entry will be disqualified.  Your two grandchildren do not have to attend the same session.
  • Camper name and birth date, grandparent name, phone number and email is required to enter. 
  • Do not ‘stuff the box.’  If duplicate household or grandchildren names are drawn, your entries will be disqualified and eliminated. No exceptions.
  • We will draw out the entire box of entries to ensure there are no duplicate entries and also to create a wait list.