Ladies Bible Study

Event Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event Category: Ladies Bible Study

The Ladies Bible Study presents - “Unwrap the Bible” presenting 5 wonderful contemporary bible teachers. There will not be a book, just come and soak in the word of God.

The five ladies are:

Beth Moore - unwraps the Bible by stepping into the desperate sandals of 
Hagar for an Old Testament lesson with modern application.

Priscilla Shirer - unwraps the Bible as she teaches about authenticity by focusing on Mary the mother of Jesus

Christine Caine - unwraps the Bible by using the example of ninety-year-old first-time mom Sarah to unwrap the gift of faith.

Shelia Walsh - unwraps the Bible as she shares the story of Esther and how this brave queen’s example can help us find courage.

Lisa Harper - unwraps the Bible by unwrapping the healing promise found in the story of a disabled woman who met the Savior

The dates are as follows:
October 11
October 18
October 25
November 1
November 8
November 15 - Ladies Lunch

The sessions will be held at Evelyn Bearden’s house at 204 Goose Island Dr. 512 864-2901.The Sessions will start at 10 AM each Wednesday. Please enter the house without ringing the bell or knocking.