January Astronomy SIG Program -2016

Event Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Event End Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Event End Time: 8:30 pm


January 2016 Astronomy SIG Program

Astronomy SIG meeting Wednesday, January 27, at 7 p.m. in the Activity Center Atrium.

Nature Club member and former club president Joe Bennett, will be our featured speaker with the topic, "Astronomy for Beginners (and a Review for Experienced People)."

Joe has given several programs to the Astronomy SIG in the past, and this one will provide a good insight into astronomy for our newcomers as well as an excellent refresher for our more “experienced” members.  

Joe will use layman’s terms and avoid deep scientific discussion in his presentation to make it interesting and understandable for the entire audience.

If time permits, Rick Wagoner will give us a briefing on our new program that allows any Nature Club member to borrow one of our two new "Loaner" telescopes and guidebook packs.

Mark this date on your calendars and come early to get a good seat!

Note the date and room change from that announced earlier in the January SunRays.

Free and open to all Sun City residents.