Women of Texas

Event Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Event Category: Bus Outings

SOLD OUT - Women of Texas History Tour – Austin
Lunch – The Carillon
Wednesday, January 27, $55 pp
Depart SCPL 8:30 a.m.; Return 3:30 p.m.

Tickets for this event go on sale on Monday, November 2 at 8 a.m.

Learn the remarkable history of several special Texas women.  Though most of them may be relatively unknown, they forged Texas history, and these women will enchant you.  We will begin with a private tour in the State Capitol as we learn about these women, their lives, what they did for Texas and how they survived in this rugged land.  After our tour, we will head over to the Texas Archives to learn about another famous lady. 

Notes:  There is a long walk from the street to the Capitol, and the tour is one hour in length, all standing and walking.  Then we must walk back to the bus.  Please be aware of the length of this tour. Also, we must go through security to enter the Capitol.      

After our historical tours, we are off to lunch at the Carillon.  You will not go away hungry from their luncheon buffet, complete with everything imaginable including salads, soups, entrees and dessert.         

We will also visit the former studio and portrait collection of Elisabet Ney, the German born 19th century sculptor, whose pieces grace the halls of famous buildings.  When she and her husband moved to Texas she became a pioneer for art here.

Ticket cost includes transportation in small bus (a potentially bumpy ride), exhibit entrance fees, and lunch. 

Volunteer Trip Leader:  Ellen Mire