Art Gibson will lead a native plant walk on Monday, April 6, along Tranquility
Trail. Meet Art and others at the trailhead on Lone Star at 10:00 a.m., weather
permitting. The walk will include The Summit Circle, and you will get to use
the new stairs with guardrail at the creek crossing. and Tranquility Trail is
THE best place to find a majority of the interesting flowering native plants in
Sun City, and the trail passes through nice displays of purple, white, blue, and
yellow, and lots of green of course. This will be an excellent primer, or
review, for anyone interested in learning the local flora, and likely there will
be lots of birds along the route. Starting at 10 a.m. to permit flowers to open
in the morning. Temps should be fine, but bring water, and wear sun protection
and comfortable shoes, although the trail is not muddy and comfortable to walk.
There are some mosquitoes along the path, so plan accordingly.