EMC Emergency Response Drill

Event Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Event Time: 9:30 am
Event End Time: 10:30 am

The Sun City Texas Emergency Management Committee will conduct an emergency response drill on Saturday, March 14, from 8 a.m. until noon. CA facilities on Texas Drive including the Ballroom, the Activities Center, The Oaks, and Cowan Creek Amenity Center will be used as Resident and Pet Evacuation and First Aid Centers.

The drill scenario is that a large windstorm has occurred. Trees are down, some roads are blocked with debris, some homes are damaged, and some residents have injuries.

Resident EMC volunteers will staff the facilities that would be used in case of an actual emergency. Additionally, we will be supported by members of COPS and the Sun City Amateur Radio Society (SCARS). We will also have observers from the City and County Emergency Services organizations.

We have asked for other residents to take on the roles of persons needing shelter, first aid, etc. to participate from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

If you are in the area of any of the facilities being used, you could be asked if you are a participant. We will try not to inconvenience non-participants, but please be aware that drills such as this are necessary to be prepared if a real emergency occurs.