Astronomy SIG May Meeting

Event Date: Monday, February 23, 2015
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Event End Time: 9:00 pm
Event Category: Meetings

Nature Club Astronomy Program

Star Gazing in Sun City

Free and Open to all Sun City Residents

Monday, May 25

Activities Center Atrium (ACA)

7:00 - 8:15 p.m.


Sun City Nature Club and Austin Astronomical Society member Ed Wiley will lead a discussion on astronomical opportunities for residents of Sun City. The Nature Club Astronomy Group has formed a steering committee tasked with increasing participation in star gazing activities and establishment of an observatory for Sun City residents.

Ed will detail some of the new activities, which will include star parties scheduled on a regular basis, lead by experienced observers, and fun for stargazers of all levels. Also planned are daytime observing of the Sun and Moon. The Nature Club has submitted a proposal for an Observatory in Sun City that will serve as the focal point for many activities including visual observing, astrophotography and educational programs for residents.

Ed will also discuss the opportunities for performing citizen science activities at this observatory and possible cooperation between Sun City and educational institutions in the area as part of an outreach program.

This event is free and open to all Sun City residents and their guests.

 Contact Astronomy SIG Co-Leaders Micheal Starch, (512) 868-1076 or Ed Wiley, (512) 688-1071