Southern Star Ranch Boarding Kennel & K9 Training Center

Boarding in a Quiet Country Setting

Business Information

Southern Star Ranch is located on 100 acres, only a 15 mile, beautiful country drive away. A map and directions from Sun City to Southern Star Ranch are on our website.

Boarding for Dogs and Cats

Rest easy knowing that your pet will receive personal attention while boarding with us. We cater to the special needs of each pet.Our runsfor dogs are large, 38' indoor-outdoor runs. A doggie door allows them to go in and out as they choose. Each run has an automatic waterer, so they always have fresh water. Cot type beds are provided for their sleeping comfort.

Kitties are housed in kitty condos and enjoy their daily visits to the indoor/outdoor Kitty Atrium. The Kitty Atrium has a lot of fun things to do such as tree trunk climbing, playing in a tunnel, lounging in the sun, playing with balls and other toys, or just sleeping on a perch.

Canidae dog food and Felidae cat food are served to our guests, however you may bring your own food if you prefer. You may also bring a favorite blanket, bed or toys for your pets.Pasture Walks and Dog Park Play Times are favorite activities of our guests. Many of them especially love swimming the the tank (pond) while on a Pasture Walk. In the Dog Park, there are balls and frizbees to catch, and a wading pool (in warm weather). Lots of belly rubs, ear scratches and one-on-one attention are given to each pet.

Dog Training

Southern Star Ranch K9 Training Center offers Obedience training for your dog. Please call to discuss your specific issues and let us know what your goals are for your dog. We would love discuss our training programs with you to see if this would be a good option for your dog. Southern Star Ranch also trains various types detector dogs including Narcotics, Accelerant (Arson), Bed Bug, Termite, Cell Phone and Cadaver Detector Dogs. Several types of service dogs are also trained at Southern Star Ranch, including Allergen Detector Dogs (Peanuts, Tree Nuts, etc.) and PTSD assistance dogs.

Obedience Trainer Programs

Thinking of starting a new career as a Dog Trainer? Southern Star Ranch has several programs available for you. Please call us to discuss these options.

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Physical Address
11701 N. Highway 183
Florence, TX 78527
Business Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am -12:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00pm Sunday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
