Sun City Recycles

Community Association


Residents, Please log in using the orange resident login button in the top right corner of your screen to view all the information on your Sun City Recycles website.

Battery Fires
Yellow Bag Disposal
Yellow Bag

Toss your fully stuffed yellow bag INSIDE the Recycle cart!

Make sure lid is securely closed.

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Pill bottle
Prescription Drug Disposal

Prescription Drug Disposal

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Bulky Waste Collection

Before you toss, check out The List for suggestions for disposal of items.

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Yellow Bag
Bag the Bag Program

Fill to capacity

Tie securely

Toss inside your recycle cart!

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List of Recyclables in Sun City Texas

Please make sure that all recyclables are clean, loose and NOT in bags. The ONLY bag that should be inside your Recycle cart is the Yellow Bag the Bag. Plastic, metal and aluminum MUST be wiped or rinsed out and free of food. These recyclables are processed through the TDS Recycling Facility.

The container is recyclable, NOT THE CONTENTS!

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