March 20 Playlist

Play list is FINAL (updated March 10).... if we get rolling ASAP, we will have time to play 'em all !

  • Focus on Dm & D7 (also called Hawaiian D7 or D7alt) 
  • Practice the switch between F to Dm (5th box on Chord sheet
  • Atrium open before us, so we can set up at 3:30. There's another party right after us, so please help us put chairs away to clear the room by 5:00.
  1. Iko Iko (warm up) Uke playalong HERE
  2. Doo Wah Diddy (repeat, fixed up!)
  3. Deep in the Heart of Texas, Uke Tutorial HERE (tutorial uses G7; we're using the faster route =G) 
  4. Achy Breaky Heart, Uke Tutorial HERE
  5. Don't Worry Be Happy Uke Tutorial HERE
  6. I'd like to teach the world to Sing Uke Tutorial HERE  good strumming, but OUR D7 is easier
  7. Calendar Girl Uke tutorial HERE
  8. This Land is Your Land  Uke Tutorial HERE
  9. Hey Good Lookin' Uke Tutorial HERE
  10. Barbara Ann, Uke Tutorial HERE
  11. Three Little Birds, Uke playalong HERE and Austin Uke Society tutorial HERE